ZHU Zhongjun
author:  |  source:  |  Update time :2019-10-14


  Master of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Senior Engineer, Director of Environmental Damage  Assessment Center, Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences. He is mainly engaged in  environmental pollution damage identification and assessment technology research and case  practice, environmental and health-related investigation and evaluation and related areas  of decision-making advisory services. In organizing research and promoting work related to  environmental and health literacy, in 2013, he organized the compilation and promulgation  of "Chinese Citizens' Environmental and Health Literacy (Trial Implementation)" in the form  of a bulletin issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (formerly the Ministry of  Environmental Protection).In 2014, he organized research on the framework and index system of environmental and health literacy assessment and compiled questionnaires for environmental  and health literacy assessment. In 2015, he organized pilot surveys in three provinces (cities)  in Beijing, Hubei and Gansu. In 2017, he organized the compilation of Technical Guidelines  for Citizens' Environmental and Health Literacy Assessment (trial implementation). In 2018, he  

organized the completion of 15 questionnaires for environmental and health literacy assessment.  Provincial on-site monitoring of environmental and health literacy and compilation of survey  reports provide support for the target of residents' environmental and health literacy level  proposed in Health China Action (2019-2030).

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