Aurelio Vilbar
author:  |  source:  |  Update time :2019-10-14


  Associate Professor of the University of the Philippines Cebu, finished PhD in Language  Education. With his passion on teaching, volunteerism and teacher training, he received the  One University of the Philippines Professional Chair Award in Teaching and Public Service. He  is the former Principal of UP High School Cebu and is the current Coordinator of the Office of  International Linkages.  

  He was a Visiting Professor in Otemae University, Japan and has worked with UNESCO projects  on language education and sustainable development. He received the American English TESOL  Leadership Training of Trainers in Chicago, Illinois, USA in 2018 and the Award for International  Participation to TESOL International 2012 in Philadelphia, USA for his research on development  of courseware for sustainable development.

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