MA Chao
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  Currently holding the post of deputy director and senior engineer of the Exhibits Technology Department of CSTM (China Science and Technology Museum), Comrade Ma Chao graduated from Beihang University in 2003. After graduation, he worked in the Exhibition Design Center and Exhibits Technology Department of CSTM, mainly engaged in the exhibition design of science &technology museums. His area of expertise is research and development of exhibition and exhibits.

  As the project leader, he has presided over the completion of contents construction in Lushan Science & Technology Museum, the exhibition development of Yitong Science & Technology Museum, and the development of psychological thematic exhibitions, as well as the contents construction of several permanent exhibitions and development of short-term exhibitions. He also presided over the upgrading and renovation of the "Small Ball Array", a symbolic exhibit in CSTM. As a member of the project team, he participated in the contents construction of the new venue of CSTM and the exhibition development of China Mobile Science & Technology Museum.

  As an expert, he participated in providing technical supports for the contents construction of new venues of Inner Mongolia Science & Technology Museum. In 2018, as an expert of UNESCO, he participated in providing technical supports of the contents construction of the National Science Center of Sri Lanka. After that, as the project team leader, he presided over the completion of the Planning Scheme for the Contents Construction of the National Science Center of Sri Lanka.

  In 2016, he was nominated for the Exhibition Award of Science & Technology Museum Development Foundation. In 2017, he was awarded the Exhibition Award of Science & Technology Museum Development Foundation. He has received a total of four patent licenses and published more than 20 papers.

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