The Olympic Forest Park
author:  |  source:  |  Update time :2019-09-18

The Olympic forest park is located in the north of stalk line in city in Peking to carry, take" lead to natural stalk line" as to design a principle. All countries athlete and coach member set while not only being the ecosystem of the city to shield, but also being Olympic Games match here Wei-of recreational rear garden. After Olympic Games, is push Olympic Games field building and facilities of make use of, provide park in the city of a recreational amusement for citizen, the forest park has been adjusted briefly and Be formally free to open to the citizen the southern park on October 26, 2008.On September 30, 2009, the northern park outward opens and carries out free and liberal target in the whole park. The park increased to establish a pleasure boat, company to sell management and northern park to play after Olympic Games several amusement items like car, etcs differently play by satisfying a large visitor need. Olympic forest park just at with very thick green and inebriate the person's fragrance of flower to reveal "the Fang permits" to the personage of the various communities.

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