Nanluogu Xiang
author:  |  source:  |  Update time :2019-09-18

Nanluogu Xiang maintains the layout of typical buildings of the Yuan Dynasty, and so, it is called a living fossil of the city buildings of Yuandadu. There are a large number of cultural and historical relics, residences of celebrities, and is, therefore, one of the areas for protecting the old city's images and looks of Beijing City and the buffer area for the Conservation of the old Imperial City. At present, there are 28 units of protection of cultural relics at the national, municipal and district levels, including Keyuan Garden, residence of Wan Rong (the queen of the last Emperor Puyi), residence of Sengge Rinchen, residences of Rong Lu, Hong Chengchou, Kui Jun, etc. Each lane, yard and even a brick or tile are stamped with the signs of history.

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